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6 x Dit kun je doen bij breekbaar haar! - Veganboost

6 x You can do this for brittle hair!

Fragile hair? If you are always shocked by all those hairs in your brush, then there is a good chance that this is bothering you. Do you keep having thin and split ends? If you suffer from brittle hair, this is certainly not pleasant. Fortunately, you can do something about it so that your hair no longer breaks off so quickly. For example, consider using hair vitamins as a means to stimulate hair growth. Read on and discover what you can do against brittle hair.

Brush your hair as little as possible

Make sure you brush your hair as little as possible. If you do this, it is best to do it in the shower. Moreover, do this with care and use a wide-tooth comb. It is important that there is as little friction as possible between your hair and the brush you use for combing.

Choose the right hair ties

You can also gain a lot of ground on the type of hair elastics. Because your hair elastics can also cause your hair to break more quickly. It is best to use a hair elastic without iron. This way, your hair will not get caught in the iron and friction will not quickly arise, so your hair remains intact.

Go to the hairdresser regularly

You may not like going to the hairdresser, but if you suffer from hair that breaks easily, it is certainly advisable to make a hairdressing appointment. A month after your last hairdresser visit, your hair may start to split or break again, so it is advisable to keep track of this. This way you always have a healthy head of hair.

Take care of your hair from within

You can combat brittle hair through good self-care from within. You can do this by using the right products. Consider vitamins such as vitamins A, B, C, D and E. These vitamins are widely found in fruits and vegetables. You can also use hair vitamin if you suffer frombrittle hair during pregnancy .

Use conditioner after washing

And our last tip: always use a conditioner after washing. Shampoo causes your hair cuticles to open. This makes your hair more vulnerable. By using conditioner, the hair cuticles close again. It also ensures that your hair is easier to comb, which prevents damage to your hair.
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